Safeguarding and Abuse Awareness
Abuse Awareness and Keeping SafeAssessing Risk
Forced Marriage of Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities
Safeguarding Adults at Risk
Safeguarding Adults at Risk for Managers
Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk (3 hour programme for Health Practices)
Safeguarding Children
Safeguarding Children with Disabilities
Safeguarding Children for Foster Carers
Personal Development
Conflict and AssertivenessInterpersonal Aspects of Management and Leadership
Overcoming Inhibitions
Personal Hygiene and Self Esteem
Sexuality and Personal Relationships
Workplace Counselling and Listening Skills
Support for Particular Conditions and Needs
Advocacy - What is Good Support?ADHD and Developing Practical Ways to Support Children with Behaviour and Communication
Alcohol and Substance Use, Abuse and Dependency Issues
Alzheimer's and Dementia Awareness
Autism and Developing Practical Ways to Support People with Autistic Spectrum Conditions
Behaviour Management for Foster Carers
Complex Communication Needs
Co-trainers with Learning Disabilities
Palliative Care
Epilepsy Awareness and Rescue Medications
Parents with Learning Disabilities
Personality Disorders and Disorganized Attachment
Positive Approaches when people demonstrate behaviours others may find challenging
Sexual Health Awareness for Adults with Learning Disabilities
Working with Families
Working with Young People
Meeting Organisational Requirements/Objectives
Care Act (2014) Awareness TrainingCare Act (2014) Assessing Need and Applying the Eligibility Criteria
Care Act (2014) Awareness Training (3 1/2 hrs) for Health Centre and General Practice Staff
Care Certificate Standards
Customer Care/Exceptional Customer Service Training for Front Line Staff in Health Care Settings
Developing Robust Complaints Procedures and Dealing Effectively with Confrontation and Challenge
Equality and Diversity
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Offering a Chaperone Service - Training for Health Practices
Teambuilding and Effective Peer Support
Towards More Inclusive Employment Practice