Promoting Person-Centred Services

Providing Care and Support with Palliative Care (3 hour training course)

This 3 hour course will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss and reflect on sensitive and important considerations when providing support to those who are dying and their families. We will recognize the importance of cultural, religious and philosophical ideas about death as well as promoting a clear understanding of the stages of grief and loss which we are all likely to have to face.

We will explain legal considerations around decision making and encourage awareness of the range of support available through different agencies


  • To consider how best to contribute to providing support to people who are dying (with a life limiting condition) and their families

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Identify their own values and beliefs around death and dying
  • Understand the different words used to describe support for the dying
  • Recognize the different kinds of support which may be useful to those near death and their families
  • Understand legislation about decision making
  • Identify a range of support services provided by other agencies
  • Claim some confidence in being able to discuss death and dying


  • Euphemisms – words we use

Small group exercise to share euphemisms describing death- Feedback as a large group

  • ‘Palliative care’ vs ‘End of Life?’

Discussion regarding individual understanding of ‘Palliative Care’ and ‘End of Life’. Is there a difference? What do the words mean? What is the public’s perception? – video clip. Why might professionals use alternative words to mean the same thing? Why as a society do we appear to be reluctant to be honest and transparent regarding death and dying?

  • Four Corners - Agree/Disagree Statements

Present a number of statements to the group. Each person to decide if s/he agrees with the statement/disagrees/agrees with reservations/disagree with reservations.

  • End of Life Care Strategy (Dept of Health)

Sharing statistics/information slides from the above publication

  • Kubler-Ross 5 stages of death and dying (7 stages of grief)

Using the modified version of the Kubler-Ross model to present stages that may be experienced in the grief cycle

  • Ashley – video clip

Presenting a real life situation as published by Macmillan of Ashley who has a terminal illness

  • Ashley Case Scenario

Small group work on flipchart answering questions regarding the above situation. Each group to feedback - Group discussion

  • Holistic Assessment of Need

Identifying the holistic needs (physical, spiritual, psychological, social, practical and legal) of the individual concerned and the family

  • Care Group Guidelines Supporting the individual/family – Defining your role

Identifying the support that participants and organisations could provide to the individual and family

  • Advanced Decisions

Information slides regarding the Mental Capacity Act - Advanced Decisions. Discussion on what decisions may/may not be made under the Act, documents available and how to register



For further information please contact: 

Tina Thordal – 07815 064710 or e-mail 

Bill Horrocks – 07929 035297 or e-mail