Promoting Person-Centred Services

Safeguarding 'Adults at Risk' for Managers

This one day course addresses the responsibilities of managers to promote awareness in staff teams of the need for a consistent approach to safeguarding issues.
What managers need to do to ensure safety - the manager's role in referring a concern in line with local multi-agency policy and procedures 
It makes clear what managers need to do after receiving expressions of concern and reports of abuse – ensuring the safety of the adult at risk, reporting on to other agencies, tracking the progress of any investigation and being aware of their role in the safeguarding process following a referral. 
Participants will engage in interactive exercises based on case studies and have the opportunity to review recent cases as featured in news reports after watching a DVD footage 
To equip managers with the knowledge and understanding to support their role when working with safeguarding issues 
Learning Outcomes 
By the end of the session participants will have: 
An understanding of the Legislation/ Guidance which underpins the Safeguarding Agenda 
Had the opportunity to consider the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and how this impacts upon the Safeguarding Agenda 
Explored strategies to manage anxieties when working with safeguarding issues 
Considered their roles and responsibilities within the safeguarding process. 
Domestics, aims, learning outcomes, ground rules, introductions 
Service audit 
Definition of an 'adult at risk' 
What is 'abuse and neglect'? 
Identifying vulnerabilities 
Case scenarios – Cause for Concern 
Safeguarding Adults – levels of response 
Threshold decisions 
DVD – Winterbourne View 
Receiving/making a referral 
Policy and procedures 
Law and Legislation 
Mental Capacity Act/DoLS 
Maintaining a Safe Environment 
The course will promote responsible and confident practice and develop the understanding and professional competence of all participants. 
Who is it for? 
The course is designed for 8 to 16 participants and will be of benefit to all care and support managers with responsibility for dealing with safeguarding concerns and receiving reports of abuse. 
To discuss the benefits of the course further, costs, venue etc please contact: 
Tina Thordal – 07815 064710 or e-mail 
Training Course